Logistic Regression Nš 1


/CRITERIA PIN(.05) POUT(.10) ITERATE(20) CUT(.5) .Resources Elapsed Time 0:00:16,53

Total number of cases: 4660 (Unweighted)

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number of unselected cases: 0

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number rejected because of missing data: 25

Number of cases included in the analysis: 4635

Dependent Variable Encoding:

Original Internal

Value Value

,00 0

1,00 1

Dependent Variable.. RHAPROB1 Edad normativa

Beginning Block Number 0. Initial Log Likelihood Function

-2 Log Likelihood 4614899,5

* Constant is included in the model.

Beginning Block Number 1. Method: Enter

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number

1.. RJNIVEDU Nivel educativo del jefe

Estimation terminated at iteration number 3 because

Log Likelihood decreased by less than ,01 percent.

-2 Log Likelihood 4201996,42

Goodness of Fit 3483575,03

Cox & Snell - R^2 1,000

Nagelkerke - R^2 1,000

Chi-Square df Significance

Model 412903,043 1 ,0000

Block 412903,043 1 ,0000

Step 412903,043 1 ,0000

Classification Table for RHAPROB1

The Cut Value is ,50


No Si Percent Correct


Observed +--------+--------+

No N I 2048133I 179671I 91,94%


Si S I 955419I 330222I 25,69%


Overall 67,69%

---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable B S.E. Wald df Sig R Exp(B)

RJNIVEDU ,9414 ,0016 364289,5 1 ,0000 ,2810 2,5635

Constant -3,0469 ,0044 483940,9 1 ,0000

Logistic Regression Nš 2


Resources Elapsed Time 0:00:16,59

Total number of cases: 4660 (Unweighted)

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number of unselected cases: 0

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number rejected because of missing data: 25

Number of cases included in the analysis: 4635

Dependent Variable Encoding:

Original Internal

Value Value

,00 0

1,00 1

Dependent Variable.. RHAPROB1 Edad normativa

Beginning Block Number 0. Initial Log Likelihood Function

-2 Log Likelihood 4614899,5

* Constant is included in the model.

Beginning Block Number 1. Method: Enter

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number

1.. RJANOAPR Años de estudio del jefe

Estimation terminated at iteration number 3 because

Log Likelihood decreased by less than ,01 percent.

-2 Log Likelihood 4157871,85

Goodness of Fit 3490196,12

Cox & Snell - R^2 1,000

Nagelkerke - R^2 1,000

Chi-Square df Significance

Model 457027,612 1 ,0000

Block 457027,612 1 ,0000

Step 457027,612 1 ,0000

Classification Table for RHAPROB1

The Cut Value is ,50


No Si Percent Correct


Observed +--------+--------+

No N I 1731361I 496442I 77,72%


Si S I 598676I 686965I 53,43%


Overall 68,83%

---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable B S.E. Wald df Sig R Exp(B)

RJANOAPR ,1741 ,0003 400846,7 1 ,0000 ,2947 1,1902

Constant -1,9000 ,0025 568502,8 1 ,0000





Logistic Regression Nš 3

Total number of cases: 4660 (Unweighted)

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number of unselected cases: 0

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number rejected because of missing data: 805

Number of cases included in the analysis: 3855

Dependent Variable Encoding:

Original Internal

Value Value

,00 0

1,00 1

Dependent Variable.. RHAPROB1 Edad normativa

Beginning Block Number 0. Initial Log Likelihood Function

-2 Log Likelihood 3838820,4

* Constant is included in the model.

Beginning Block Number 1. Method: Enter

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number

1.. RPNIVEDU Nivel educativo del cónyuge

Estimation terminated at iteration number 3 because

Log Likelihood decreased by less than ,01 percent.


-2 Log Likelihood 3433194,21

Goodness of Fit 2894384,18

Cox & Snell - R^2 1,000

Nagelkerke - R^2 1,000


Chi-Square df Significance

Model 405626,194 1 ,0000

Block 405626,194 1 ,0000

Step 405626,194 1 ,0000

Classification Table for RHAPROB1

The Cut Value is ,50


No Si Percent Correct


Observed +--------+--------+

No N I 1419901I 408570I 77,66%


Si S I 472062I 608756I 56,32%



Overall 69,73%

---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable B S.E. Wald df Sig R Exp(B)

RPNIVEDU ,9949 ,0017 341630,8 1 ,0000 ,2983 2,7046

Constant -2,8672 ,0043 447746,9 1 ,0000




Logistic Regression Nš 4

Total number of cases: 4660 (Unweighted)

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number of unselected cases: 0

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number rejected because of missing data: 805

Number of cases included in the analysis: 3855

Dependent Variable Encoding:

Original Internal

Value Value

,00 0

1,00 1

Dependent Variable.. RHAPROB1 Edad normativa

Beginning Block Number 0. Initial Log Likelihood Function

-2 Log Likelihood 3838820,4

* Constant is included in the model.

Beginning Block Number 1. Method: Enter

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number

1.. RPANOAPR Años de estudio del cónyuge

Estimation terminated at iteration number 3 because

Log Likelihood decreased by less than ,01 percent.

-2 Log Likelihood 3397979,66

Goodness of Fit 2887043,84

Cox & Snell - R^2 1,000

Nagelkerke - R^2 1,000

Chi-Square df Significance

Model 440840,742 1 ,0000

Block 440840,742 1 ,0000

Step 440840,742 1 ,0000


Classification Table for RHAPROB1

The Cut Value is ,50




No Si Percent Correct


Observed +--------+--------+

No N I 1508632I 319839I 82,51%


Si S I 555277I 525541I 48,62%


Overall 69,92%


---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable B S.E. Wald df Sig R Exp(B)

RPANOAPR ,1879 ,0003 379251,6 1 ,0000 ,3143 1,2067

Constant -1,6604 ,0023 513668,7 1 ,0000



Logistic Regression Nš 5


Total number of cases: 4660 (Unweighted)

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number of unselected cases: 0

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number rejected because of missing data: 25

Number of cases included in the analysis: 4635

Dependent Variable Encoding:

Original Internal

Value Value

,00 0

1,00 1

Dependent Variable.. RATRAMAS Atraso mayor a un año

Beginning Block Number 0. Initial Log Likelihood Function

-2 Log Likelihood 4757473,3

* Constant is included in the model.

Beginning Block Number 1. Method: Enter

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number

1.. RJANOAPR Años de estudio del jefe

Estimation terminated at iteration number 3 because

Log Likelihood decreased by less than ,01 percent.

-2 Log Likelihood 4188872,61

Goodness of Fit 3522723,39

Cox & Snell - R^2 1,000

Nagelkerke - R^2 1,000


Chi-Square df Significance

Model 568600,713 1 ,0000

Block 568600,713 1 ,0000

Step 568600,713 1 ,0000

Classification Table for RATRAMAS

The Cut Value is ,50


,00 1,00 Percent Correct

0 I 1

Observed +--------+--------+

,00 0 I 1352934I 718257I 65,32%


1,00 1 I 469072I 973181I 67,48%


Overall 66,21%




---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable B S.E. Wald df Sig R Exp(B)

RJANOAPR -,2004 ,0003 466957,9 1 ,0000 -,3133 ,8184

Constant 1,0268 ,0022 209372,0 1 ,0000


Logistic Regression Nš 6


Total number of cases: 4660 (Unweighted)

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number of unselected cases: 0

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number rejected because of missing data: 821

Number of cases included in the analysis: 3839

Dependent Variable Encoding:

Original Internal

Value Value

,00 0

1,00 1

Dependent Variable.. RHAPROB1 Edad normativa

Beginning Block Number 0. Initial Log Likelihood Function

-2 Log Likelihood 3817604,6

* Constant is included in the model.

Beginning Block Number 1. Method: Enter

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number

1.. RJANOAPR Años de estudio del jefe

INGHOG1D Ing Bruto Ho tri

RPANOAPR Años de estudio del cónyuge

Estimation terminated at iteration number 3 because

Log Likelihood decreased by less than ,01 percent.

-2 Log Likelihood 3310369,94

Goodness of Fit 2861173,76

Cox & Snell - R^2 1,000

Nagelkerke - R^2 1,000

Chi-Square df Significance

Model 507234,625 3 ,0000

Block 507234,625 3 ,0000

Step 507234,625 3 ,0000

Classification Table for RHAPROB1

The Cut Value is ,50


No Si Percent Correct


Observed +--------+--------+

No N I 1502503I 316763I 82,59%


Si S I 552853I 521570I 48,54%


Overall 69,95%

---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable B S.E. Wald df Sig R Exp(B)

RJANOAPR ,1078 ,0004 66728,27 1 ,0000 ,1322 1,1139

INGHOG1D 3,52E-06 2,419E-07 211,2938 1 ,0000 ,0074 1,0000

RPANOAPR ,1144 ,0004 78561,41 1 ,0000 ,1435 1,1213

Constant -2,0863 ,0029 501530,7 1 ,0000


Logistic Regression: Nš 7


Total number of cases: 4660 (Unweighted)

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number of unselected cases: 0

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number rejected because of missing data: 69

Number of cases included in the analysis: 4591

Dependent Variable Encoding:

Original Internal

Value Value

,00 0

1,00 1

Dependent Variable.. RHAPROB1 Edad normativa

Beginning Block Number 0. Initial Log Likelihood Function

-2 Log Likelihood 4570427,3

* Constant is included in the model.

Beginning Block Number 1. Method: Enter


Variable(s) Entered on Step Number

1.. RJINGRE2 Ingreso bruto mensual del jefe

RJANOAPR Años de estudio del jefe

Estimation terminated at iteration number 3 because

Log Likelihood decreased by less than ,01 percent.

-2 Log Likelihood 4091401,79

Goodness of Fit 3495529,68

Cox & Snell - R^2 1,000

Nagelkerke - R^2 1,000

Chi-Square df Significance

Model 479025,501 2 ,0000

Block 479025,501 2 ,0000

Step 479025,501 2 ,0000

Classification Table for RHAPROB1

The Cut Value is ,50


No Si Percent Correct


Observed +--------+--------+

No N I 1904657I 303839I 86,24%


Si S I 781884I 490389I 38,54%


Overall 68,81%


---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable B S.E. Wald df Sig R Exp(B)

RJINGRE2 ,0003 2,087E-06 14681,55 1 ,0000 ,0567 1,0003

RJANOAPR ,1625 ,0003 299666,7 1 ,0000 ,2561 1,1764

Constant -1,9228 ,0025 573035,8 1 ,0000


Logistic Regression: Nš 8

Edad normativa de hijos, excluyendo a los hijos sin nivel


Total number of cases: 4660 (Unweighted)

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number of unselected cases: 0

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number rejected because of missing data: 83

Number of cases included in the analysis: 4577

Dependent Variable Encoding:

Original Internal

Value Value

,00 0

1,00 1

Dependent Variable.. RHAPROBD Edad normativa excluye a sin nivel

Beginning Block Number 0. Initial Log Likelihood Function

-2 Log Likelihood 4575375,4

* Constant is included in the model.

Beginning Block Number 1. Method: Enter

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number

1.. RJANOAPR Años de estudio del jefe

INGHOG1D Ing Bruto Ho tri

Estimation terminated at iteration number 3 because

Log Likelihood decreased by less than ,01 percent.

-2 Log Likelihood 4126917,99

Goodness of Fit 3448024,52

Cox & Snell - R^2 1,000

Nagelkerke - R^2 1,000

Chi-Square df Significance

Model 448457,399 2 ,0000

Block 448457,399 2 ,0000

Step 448457,399 2 ,0000


Classification Table for RHAPROBD

The Cut Value is ,50


,00 1,00 Percent Correct

0 I 1

Observed +--------+--------+

,00 0 I 1694976I 489787I 77,58%


1,00 1 I 598676I 686965I 53,43%


Overall 68,64%

---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable B S.E. Wald df Sig R Exp(B)

RJANOAPR ,1713 ,0003 349656,2 1 ,0000 ,2764 1,1869

INGHOG1D 4,87E-06 2,101E-07 538,4323 1 ,0000 ,0108 1,0000

Constant -1,8848 ,0026 545337,6 1 ,0000


Logistic Regression Nš 9: probando incidencia de Serv.Pub. de C.E.

Total number of cases: 4660 (Unweighted)

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number of unselected cases: 0

Number of selected cases: 4660

Number rejected because of missing data: 1982

Number of cases included in the analysis: 2678

Dependent Variable Encoding:

Original Internal

Value Value

,00 0

1,00 1

Dependent Variable.. RHAPROB1 Edad normativa

Beginning Block Number 0. Initial Log Likelihood Function

-2 Log Likelihood 2736549,2

* Constant is included in the model.

Beginning Block Number 1. Method: Enter

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number

1.. INGHOG1D Ing Bruto Ho tri

RJANOAPR Años de estudio del jefe

RPANOAPR Años de estudio del cónyuge


Estimation terminated at iteration number 3 because

Log Likelihood decreased by less than ,01 percent.

-2 Log Likelihood 2314460,35

Goodness of Fit 1980417,81

Cox & Snell - R^2 1,000

Nagelkerke - R^2 1,000


Chi-Square df Significance

Model 422088,803 4 ,0000

Block 422088,803 4 ,0000

Step 422088,803 4 ,0000

Classification Table for RHAPROB1

The Cut Value is ,50


No Si Percent Correct


Observed +-------+-------+

No N I 893963I 249219I 78,20%


Si S I 358276I 501556I 58,33%


Overall 69,67%

---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable B S.E. Wald df Sig R Exp(B)

INGHOG1D 5,89E-06 3,075E-07 367,5361 1 ,0000 ,0116 1,0000

RJANOAPR ,1094 ,0005 47227,09 1 ,0000 ,1314 1,1156

RPANOAPR ,1240 ,0005 62284,64 1 ,0000 ,1509 1,1320

RCESP ,1116 ,0010 12077,37 1 ,0000 ,0664 1,1181

Constant -2,3663 ,0049 229238,1 1 ,0000